Hi Guys. This site is ready to take off so let me tell you quickly, what you can expect on your journey.
ORDER is a one-stop shop to find all my publications and future works that require purchase. You can place order for "An Illusion of Escape" here and hopefully there's more for you in the days to come.
INSIGHTS is going to be my featured blog where I'm going to elaborate my views in an essay format on things that touch me and probably happen around all of us. You can expect a monthly update, but it's subject to the tides of time and future commitments.
IT'S DEBATABLE is a forum for essays and discussions surrounding controversial topics on which I'm yet to have a profound opinion.
POETRY is an archive of all the poems and rhyming monologues, that may or may not come out openly in a book/podcast episode of their own.
PODCASTS is a place where you can find my spoken word poetry and narrations or recitals. There is a playlist dedicated to "An Illusion of Escape" and soon, other albums or series are going to follow.
REVERIE is a creative journal where I chronicle languid thoughts that fail to belong into any category. It is a a Pandora's box filled with languid musings, wish-lists and dream-lists, introspection and much more.
UNDER THE LENS is the spot where I will review books- mainly fiction and self-help. There might be some commentary in the visual genre too - like movies, TV series and Web series; and with age, experience, wisdom and self-assurance, I might widen the horizon of my critique.
JUST A SUGGESTION will be a category of recommendation lists for reading, watching and listening. This is an interactive and interesting spot for ideas, DIYs and other "How To?" stuff.
GALLERY is a visual display space for my meager photography skills or vocabulary. But I hope to convey something poetic through these pictures, so you can keep an eye out for it.
You can follow me on IG @merakixmusings and on YT as Shivani Gautam. The links are down below in social. Have a great time!