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  • Writer's pictureShivani Gautam

The Life-cycle of Creativity

To be creative without passion,

Is to just practice art as a time-pass.

To be passionate without discipline,

Is to just fight with your own art.

To be disciplined without vision,

Is to give in to the levers of time.

To be visionary without action,

Is to just sit and profess about life.

To be active without dreams,

Is to give up on the fuel that fired you once.

To be dreamer without faith,

Is to prepare to loosen yourself like clouds or dust.

To be faithful without reason,

Is to turn into a prisoner of your own thoughts.

To be reasonable without judgement,

Is to perplex your own mind for its wits and intelligence and put yourself in tough spots.

To be judge-mental without biases,

Is to deny the instincts and experiences that shaped your own core.

To be biased without knowledge,

Is to let yourself solidify wrong hands and holds.

To be knowledgeable without wisdom,

Is to be wealthy but not enriched.

To be wise without power,

Is to speak from an invisible altar and go totally unheard.

To be powerful without fame,

Is to sit on a goldmine with an oak chair.

To be famous without pride,

Is to allow yourself to be ridiculed by your own actions sometimes.

To be proud without courage,

Is to stand upright against the wall spineless.

To be courageous without sense,

Is to risk making fool hardy decisions and chasing bold claims.

To be sensible without sensitivity,

Is to ignore the cause and analyze effects of and in a tragedy.

To be sensitive without empathy,

Is to be too careful to of our own perceptions to let go and accept others'.

To be empathetic without servitude,

Is to feel for many but not commit to real help soon.

To be of service without resource,

Is to create a model without laying foundations for a house.

To be resourceful without restraints,

Is to exploit the plenty that's a mercy bestowed.

To be restrained without thought,

Is to be miser and conservative on perhaps, wrong accords.

To be thoughtful without caution,

Is to think too erratically and dangerously for the greater lot.

To be cautious without fear,

Is to be vetting on every opportunity that comes near.

To be fearful without conformity,

Is to resist defeats that protect us from vanity.

To be conformist without delusion,

Is to accept things for not being any better or worse, after all.

To be delusional without insanity,

Is merely thinking outside the box;

This is the genius of creativity,

It is insanity, turned inside out.

You can check out the video recital for the post here.

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