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Writer's pictureShivani Gautam

A Flame That Was Afraid To Be

Updated: May 29, 2020

Personifying the dying flame of a candle, I've tried to create an alternate reality for the candle flame which is known to us all as a symbol of light and hope. I've tried to re-visit it's martyrdom in the same light, as one would of a soldier. Seeing their pain and sufferings as an act of losing themselves to their purpose, I've talked about how the candle lives a similar life.

I saw a candle, each day

In my room, it sat always.

One night the filaments lost their spark,

That moment I reached out to the candle,

And knew its heart.

I asked it if it would like to burn

And be the light to everyone?

If it don’t mind losing its wax?

But it refused, told

“Get another one of those packs.”

It said, “I am a candle, meant to glow;

But when I burn,

It’s only then I see my shadow.

You know me as hope,

You know me as light;

But as you sleep,

I stand alone facing the night.”

It yelped my heart to know its pain,

But for the darkness, likewise

Its tears slipped vein

In the pouring wax

And the fuming incense.

It started melting and losing itself.

Under the candlelight,

It came to me

As a ballad of glory;

A flame that was afraid to be,

The martyr’s beautiful story.

I hope you had a great time reading this poem. And if you want to stay just a little bit longer, the podcast for this is available here.

Kindly check it out or subscribe it for future updates and episodes. As usual, thank you for your time and attention. I hope this added some value to your life. And have a great day ahead!

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