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  • Writer's pictureShivani Gautam

Chase You

Talking about dreams, aspirations, chasing wild passion; this poem is the crux of An Illusion of Escape. It summarizes the themes of wandering beyond and returning back, it talk about guilt, it talks about fame, creativity, curiosity, day dreaming and is heavy with illustrious metaphors. Read the poem which is my funeral song to the teenage values I had.

Sinister charm. You do me no harm.

Escapism is my disease.

You are my drug, my relief.

Seems like one bead lying in the line,

Turns out to be a kaleidoscope of coins;

Brief mistakes and indulgent sins,

Clouds, rains, rocks and desperate terrains:

Hitherto, I pause and praise the pallet, the pageant and the hue,

I lie in the light to say I never chase you.

Tantalizing spark. You do me no harm.

Imagination is my disease.

You cure me through, you are my medicine.

Seems like puzzles and circles whizzing around in time,

Turns to reach the havoc and its glory, savaged and quite fine;

Promises to keep and answers to seek,

Wear their handcuffs to climb the peak:

Hitherto, I pause and praise the catabolic, the rhetoric and the new,

I lie in the light to say I never chase you.

Scandalizing glow. You do me no harm.

Fantasizing is my disease.

You heal my wounds, the blood does cease.

Seems like clanking of metals is more than banging of stones,

Turns into vapors of words that flow in a row;

Melodies, rhythm, beats and moves,

Pain becomes pleasure, lyric more soothes:

Hitherto, I pause and praise the grooves, the sync and beat the blue,

I lie in the light to say I never chase you.

Dangerous minds. You do me no harm.

Wandering beyond is my disease.

You thereauptize the solid freeze.

Seems like lurking beasts in the wild,

Turns out to be the catastrophic stride of the child;

Faraway galaxies and secret tunnels,

Sabotage of ice age and ferocious jungles:

Hitherto, I pause and praise the brave, the wild and the cunning sue,

I lie in the light to say I never chase you.

Stagnant existence. You do me much harm.

Reality is disbelief.

You render me wounds and scars.

Seems like the exit is closer to the entrance,

Turns out to be a mirage of recklessness;

I’d run away and die in a ditch,

Than in reins of platinum cages.

Hitherto, I pause and bruise the skin, the conscience and the craze I knew,

I lie in the light to say I chase you.

I hope you had a great time reading this poem. And if you want to stay just a little bit longer, the podcast for this is available here.

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