It started as a live writing project in 2018 to capture ideas and thoughts as they'd hit and to pen them down in this cute little doodle notebook, I got as a birthday present from my childhood friend. But I never really got to pursue it, in real time. For more than two years, this notebook sat in a corner of my study-table and just kept giving me those petrifying looks. "Damn, Shivani you're so lazy!"
I felt so guilty, I almost re-purposed it into a silly journal. But, Insights had its own charm.
With its doodles and its compelling appeal, this baby just seduced me to preserve it, until the time would be right. And now as I begin my blog, the crux of my non-verse and non-fictional writing is going to be in here.
Little observations of the world around me, unaccounted sessions of blankness, fundamental doubts about our existence and so many questions of my silly soul.. a lot of this is going to come up here in this section.
I hope you have fun reading them and in some way, these help you live a better, more meaningful life.